• July 2, 2019

German woman goes missing in Thiruvananthapuram for a month

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM July 2: German woman Lisa Wiese (31)’s sister Caroline has given more details about her sister who had gone missing from Thiruvananthapuram four months ago.She says that Lisi came to India as she wanted peace of mind. At the same time, she doesn’t have much information about her friend who had accompanied her to India

A few NGO workers have said that the above facts were disclosed to Ilze Skromane, the sister of Latvian woman who was murdered in Kovalam, during her chat with Caroline.

She had taken the help of German-speaking friends to talk to Caroline.
As told by Caroline about her sister Lisa:

“About eight years ago Lisa got attracted to Islam and converted herself to that religion. During her journey after that, she met her love in Cairo, whom she married later.

The couple settled in America with their two children but before long the marriage ran into rough weather. She returned from America and lived in Berlin and Sweden over the next two years.

In between, she sent her children to America with her mother-in-law. The above incidents had distressed her and she set out to India in search of peace.

Thus, she had plans to visit Amritapuri, where spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi’s main ashram is located. She had talked to me about her trip to India with her friends.

It was on March 5, Lisa talked with her son in America, for the last time.

The very next day Lisa apparently flew to India with her UK friend and another Swedish friend. I was informed about this over the phone, and it was her last phone call to me. This was on March 10. But, she was very happy then…

I started the search for my sister as there was no call from her even after three weeks. As her phone call didn’t reach me even on her birthday, I contacted Kollam Amritapuri ashram via German embassy.

As we didn’t get any lead from there we complained to Delhi via embassy and then to Kerala via German consulate.”