• March 21, 2024

NHS wants people over 40 to get a blood pressure check: Free checks available at pharmacies

NHS wants people over 40 to get a blood pressure check: Free checks available at pharmacies

LONDON March 12: The NHS wants more people over 40 to get a blood pressure check, saying there are millions who do not realise they have dangerously high levels.

Often, there are no warning symptoms and it is thought about a third of cases are undiagnosed – that is 4.2 million people in England alone.

Sometimes called a “silent killer”, high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Free checks are available at many local pharmacies and GP surgeries.

While the cause is not always clear, risk factors include being overweight, drinking too much alcohol and smoking.

Lifestyle changes, such as cutting down on salt and quitting smoking, as well as medication can treat it and reduce the risk of complications.

Deepak Bilakhia, a Nottingham-based community pharmacist, said: “Campaigns like this are so important because high blood pressure can be a silent killer and really can affect anyone, including those with no symptoms at all.

Too many people are unaware that pharmacies offer this kind of service, without needing to book an appointment.

So, if you’re 40 and over and have not had a check in the last 6 months, don’t put it off any longer.

Checking your blood pressure at a local pharmacy is so simple to do but could save your life – and your pharmacist is here to help.

Visit the NHS website to find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks near you or search ‘pharmacy blood pressure check’.