- May 3, 2024
Increase in healthcare workers losing jobs in UK: Here are 7 Care Home dismissal reasons

By A Staff Reporter
LONDON May 3: The number of healthcare workers losing jobs and being left with very little income is on the rise in the UK, the number of dismissal letters seen by this website can confirm. It is not just due to dismissal they are becoming jobless. It is also due to sponsors losing their licence leaving their employees out of job and not being able to find another sponsor.
In most instances involving couples where one partner is a healthcare worker who has lost their job, the decision is often made for the unemployed partner to stay at home while the other continues as the primary earner. However, amidst the current economic climate in the UK, these households are struggling to cover essential costs, such as rent and other household expenses, with just one source of income.
Families impacted by job losses, either through termination of employment or sponsor-related issues, are experiencing extraordinary hardship. These challenges extend beyond financial difficulties, significantly affecting their mental well-being as they navigate the overwhelming consequences of unemployment.
Healthcare workers who lose their job due to termination or sponsor-related issues face significant challenges in securing new employment. Their visa restrictions require them to work within the specific role for which they were initially sponsored, limiting their job prospects. Additionally, new visa and Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) regulations that took effect on April 4, 2024, have further complicated the situation. The increased salary threshold for new visas and COS is often deemed unviable by employers such as the NHS and care homes in the UK, hindering the ability of these workers to secure new sponsors and maintain their livelihoods.
Unemployed healthcare workers in this predicament anticipate receiving a curtailment letter from the Home Office, notifying them of their reduced rights as a result of being terminated or made redundant. This communication initiates a waiting period, after which they will receive a subsequent notice allowing a 60-day window to depart from the UK.
Upon becoming jobless, healthcare workers in the UK face considerable vulnerability. Their inability to secure employment without obtaining sponsorship from a new employer, coupled with the impending arrival of a 60-day notice from the Home Office, creates an uncertain and challenging situation. These workers are caught in a delicate waiting game, balancing their pursuit of a new sponsorship and the looming prospect of receiving the Home Office’s letter.
Below are dismissal sentences which appears in 7 dismissal letters this website has seen. We are publishing this for other healthcare workers to be aware of this.
1. Good Care Home
You were granted entry clearance under Tier 2 of the Immigration Rules. Your entry clearance has been cancelled because you have stopped working with your sponsor Good Care Ltd. On 22 May 2023 your sponsor notified the Home Office that they had withdrawn their sponsorship as you have stopped working with your sponsor. It is not considered that the circumstances in your case are such that discretion should be exercised in your favour as your sponsorship was withdrawn by Good Care Ltd because you were no longer working with them. Your permission is therefore cancelled from 06 April 2024.
2. Delce Care Home
During the last performance review meeting a number of concerns were raised with regards to your performance in the role of Healthcare assistant. During this meeting, improvement areas were identified and you were informed that I would continue to closely monitor your performance moving forward. Following our meeting today you were informed that you were deemed to be unsuitable for the position of healthcare assistant, as a result of your performance and you were issued with 1 weeks notice to terminate your contract.
3. Turnwood Care Home Essex
I am writing to confirm the outcome of the disciplinary hearing that you are dismissed from work for sleeping on duty, putting residents health and safety at risk and for leaving shift before the allocated time
4. Good Lord Care Home
After an investigation completed, the evidence on the video camera shows that you have been sleeping while your duty on multiple occasions. You also lied to us when questioned regarding sleeping on night shift. Despite the CCTV evidence you continued to lie and did not take ownership, showed no remorse or reasons for sleeping. Therefore you are dismissed from work and you will be reported to Disclosure and Barring Service
5. Britania Coventry
Further to your probationary review meeting today I am writing to give you my decision. The meeting was convened to discuss your progress in the role of healthcare assistant and to address any problems or concerns, in particular your alleged conduct work behaviour and performance. When asked for an explanation although you mentioned you knew your performance was not going well, you informed us that residents’ buzzers were ringing and you were not answering these and your behaviour throughout and following the meeting was very unprofessional. After listening carefully and considering your explanations, it is my decision that you have not made satisfactory progress during your probationary period. I have therefore decided to terminate your employment with effect from today on grounds of unsatisfactory performance and conduct.
6. Hathaway Healthcare
Your entry clearance as a Tier 2 Skilled Worker Migrant Health and care has been cancelled so that it now ends on 03 May 2024. You were granted entry clearance as a Skilled Worker under Tier 2 of the Immigration Rules. Your entry clearance has been cancelled because your sponsor does not have a sponsor licence. We were notified that the Sponsor licence was revoked on 03 November 2023. I have therefore decided to cancel your entry clearance. Your entry clearance is cancelled from 03 May 2024 under Part 9.28.1(a) of the Immigration Rules.
7. Ace Age Care
We are writing to inform you that on 21 July 2023 the decision was made to revoke the sponsor licence of Ace Age Care, who is your main sponsor. When a sponsor licence is revoked any COS automatically become invalid and this means that any workers associated with that licence are affected. You have been identified as one of those workers. Your existing permission remains valid until another Home Office department writes to you to confirm it has been shortened or cancelled, or until it expires (whichever is the earliest)